John Patrick Fahey
Project Consultant
I am originally from Madison, WI, but have lived in the Twin Cities East metro for the past 25 years. In my off hours you can find me coaching youth sports or enjoying time with family, friends, and neighbors. What I like most about my career with Great Plains Windows and Doors is working with great teammates who genuinely care about what they do and who they serve. We treat our client’s homes as if they are our own.

6866 33rd Street N, #100
Oakdale, MN 55128
Phone: (651) 207-4571
Mon-Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
3655 Plymouth Blvd, Suite 105
Plymouth, MN 55446
Phone: (763) 220-1190
By Appointment Only

Entry Doors Add Just the Right Color for Twin Cities Homeowners
Are you feeling a rush of happiness at the explosion of summer colors as you travel around the Twin Cities? Right now the lush green backdrop of trees is splashed with flowers in every color in the rainbow. Is it a distraction or an attraction? Whatever it is, there's...
Andersen Sweeps Customer Satisfaction Awards for Windows and Patio Doors
FIRST TIME IN J.D. POWER HISTORY ONE COMPANY HOLDS THE TOP THREE SPOTS IN THE HOME IMPROVEMENT CATEGORY BAYPORT, Minn., July 20, 2017 — Andersen Corporation makes history with a sweep of the top three spots for "Outstanding Customer Satisfaction with Windows and Patio...
Grand Opening of Newly Remodeled Showroom
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tony Flint Great Plains Windows and Doors 6866 33rd Street North, Door #5 Oakdale, MN 55128 GREAT PLAINS WINDOWS AND DOORS OPENS NEWLY REMODELED SHOWROOM Oakdale, MN – April 28th, 2017 – Great Plains Windows and Doors has announced the...