Recommend a homeowner to GREAT PLAINS WINDOWS and earn a referral reward!
Thousands of people have chosen our products and we appreciate each and every one! As a bonus to our valued customers, we offer a $250 gift card to anyone who refers us and $250 gift card for the referred homeowner for every verified sale over $5,000.*
If you are happy with our products and services, please encourage your friends and family to try our services. Our team has unparalleled experience in the remodeling industry and we guarantee customer satisfaction!
If you’d like to participate just fill out the online submission form on this page. If you prefer, give us a call at 651-207-4571 and speak to one of our representatives.
*referrer must submit referral prior to scheduling of any appointment to qualify. See program details below.

6866 33rd Street N, #100
Oakdale, MN 55128
Phone: (651) 207-4571
Mon-Fri 8:00am - 5:00pm
3655 Plymouth Blvd, Suite 105
Plymouth, MN 55446
Phone: (763) 220-1190
By Appointment Only
Upgrade Your Home with Andersen Windows
Upgrade Your Home with Andersen Windows Article by Sue Baldani Photography by Anna Ko Photography This article first appeared in Edina Lifestyle magazine. New windows and doors are a huge investment for homeowners, so it’s important to choose the products that are...
Branded Homes: How Brands Impact Real Estate Listings
As home buying shifts to the virtual world, Realtors and homeowners are being forced to find unique angles to present their product. The most obvious changes in the market have focused on presentation: HDR photography, drone flyovers, VR home tours, and virtual...
Understanding Window Condensation in Early Winter
Another freeze/thaw season is upon us, which happens to coincide with the presentation of your home fighting against the cold, dry outside - in the form of condensation on your home's windows. But is condensation always bad? Is ice a problem? Because we get so many...