Window Restoration in University Heights

We recently finished a residential project in Madison’s University Heights Historic District. The owners of a 1911 bungalow on Chamberlain St. wanted to restore their original windows, install new storm windows, and improve ventilation of moisture from inside the house.
The original windows and jambs were showing signs of decay caused by moisture condensation between the wood sashes and the exterior storm windows. The owners considered replacement, but decided to look into restoration since the deterioration wasn’t extensive. They also wanted to find ways to reduce the condensation problem inside the house.
The owners worked with TDS Custom Construction of Madison to remove, restore, and reinstall the original, old-growth window sashes, and and make them operate smoothly again. TDS installed new flush-mounted Mon-Ray exterior storm windows to replace aging and leaky aluminum storms. To solve the condensation problem TDS installed a new exhaust fan in the second-floor bathroom, and fitted all upstairs windows with Indo interior window inserts that add an insulating pane to existing windows, and prevent moisture condensation around sashes and jambs.
Archetype worked with the owners and their contractors to make sure the work was done in compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for restoration. The restoration, storm windows, and inserts were eligible for tax credits. Even the exhaust fan and additional wiring it required were eligible for the credit. We also brought in a little tuck-pointing work they wanted to do along the brick foundation. We completed all application, documentation, and certification materials needed for approval of the project under Wisconsin’s Historic Tax Credit program. The owners of 302 Chamberlain St. were approved for a 25% credit for their projects, for a savings of $12,940 on a project cost of $51,760.