Architectural style carries significant influence over home improvement decisions. For architecturally-conscious homeowners, the ability to match a period style can create a make or break point for contractors being considered for the project.

Most period-specific architectural projects are on the outside of homes. From siding and windows to doors and roofing materials and all the details in between, these are the curb appeal items most likely to get noticed. Add to that list additions and garages because it’s common for older homes to have a room or garage added over time and it can stand out if certain planning is overlooked.

While we don’t have an exhaustive list of options, our window and door products cover nearly every situation both by style and by application method. Working with Andersen Windows gives us access to a wide variety of window styles and product lines, like the 400 series, 100 series, E-Series, A-Series, that open up opportunities not likely found with any other window company.

We wanted to highlight some architectural styles that might help give you some insight as you consider a replacement window or door project. And if you are in the planning stages of a window preservation or home restoration project, we have plenty of examples of past projects that can help you see just how detailed and complete our service can be.

For reference, here’s a link to Andersen’s Home Style Library which complements our infographic below.

Here’s our infographic about Popular and Iconic Home Design Styles: